ABSTRACT: Strategies for Promoting Career Readiness Through Vocational Education are essential for preparing students for the workforce. This study investigated effective strategies for enhancing career readiness among vocational students. The objectives were: to assess the current level of career readiness among vocational students, to identify effective strategies for improving career readiness, and to evaluate the impact of these strategies on student employability. A survey design was employed to gather detailed data from a large number of respondents, facilitating comprehensive analysis. A sample size of 300 vocational training students, educators, and industry partners was selected using a purposive sampling technique to ensure participants with relevant experience and insights were included. The case study focused on the Kaduna Polytechnic, Kaduna State. Findings revealed that career readiness programs significantly improved student employability, provided essential soft skills, and enhanced job placement rates. Effective strategies included incorporating career readiness modules into the curriculum, providing internships and work-based learning opportunities, and fostering industry partnerships. It was recommended that vocational institutions should prioritize career readiness in their programs, collaborate with industry to provide real-world experiences, and continuously review and update career readiness initiatives to meet evolving workforce demands.
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